Stretches for Netballer Players

If you’ve just finished the season and are starting indoor netball or signing up for summer netball, here are some stretches you should be using in your warm up prep routine.


Calf stretches

Lean on a wall, team mate or goal post.

Lunge your leg backwards and drop your heel towards the ground to feel a stretch up the back of your leg.

Try this stretch with your knee straight AND with a bent knee.

20-30 second holds a few times through on each leg will be sufficient.

This will help loosen those tight calf muscles.

Also make sure you add in some calf pumps after to get the muscle activated and ready to go.


Lateral Lunge Groin Stretch

Take a big wide stance and lean as far as possible to the side.

Keep the other leg straight.

You should feel the stretch along the inside of your thigh as you get deeper.

Try doing 10-15 reps each leg a few times through until if feels nice and loose.

This stretch can help when lunging for the ball in the circle as a goal attack or goal shooter.


Overhead Stretch

For those that get tight shoulders, this stretch is a good one to help when defending or reaching for the ball overhead.

Slide your arm up a wall, goal post or a tall team mate.

Try and reach as high as possible and gently lean into the stretch.

You can try and change the position of the arm by rotating your palm to face the wall or away from the wall.

This can change the stretch location from your chest muscles to the underarm and back muscles.

Try hold for 20-30 seconds a few times each arm.


Good luck out there and enjoy your netball. preparation is key to success.

Kristy Paltridge