How to get motivated to exercise in winter

Winter has well and truly settled in and getting motivated can be harder than it seems. It’s darker, it’s colder. Spring – never mind Summer – seems very far away indeed. It’s that time of year when comfort food seems so much more tempting, and the urge to stay inside instead of going to the gym is almost overwhelming.

We all know it’s hard to stay motivated during winter. Baggy sweaters and cold weather seem to sap all motivation to eat well and exercise properly. However, there are many arguments for staying healthy over winter and improving your lifestyle, positivity and wellbeing.

Discovering the benefits

Staying motivated means focusing on the benefits. Even when it’s cold, there are plenty of reasons to get outside. Exercising outside lets you benefit from fresh air and Vitamin D, which helps to absorb calcium, maintain bone strength, and strengthen the immune system.

Exercise can help to beat those winter blues. After just 10 minutes of exercise, the brain releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals serotonin and dopamine, which can help reduce anxiety and depression. Staying active can also help conditions such as arthritis – a condition of which symptoms can often worsen over winter.

Staying Motivated

Set Goals

Having a goal or target is one of the easiest ways to get motivated. This could be to get to the gym at least 3 times a week.

Train for an Event

Training for an event is another great motivator, as it gives you something to strive for. Physio Focus is the official Physio for the Tradies S2S in 2022, so there is your perfect event to train for.

Reward Yourself

Work towards a big reward for reaching your big target – such as a new outfit or a weekend away – but you can also work towards smaller rewards; little things you can look forward to at the end of each workout.

Get a Trainer

Can’t do it alone? Get a personal trainer. A personal trainer is a paid motivator, helping you push yourself when you lose your resolve. Trainers can also help achieve certain results, so if you want to improve your fitness, feel more confident in the gym or lose weight, a trainer can get you there.

Get a Buddy

If you can’t afford a trainer, get a buddy. Exercising with a friend keeps you accountable, pushing you both to exercise when you may lose motivation apart. You could also join a running club, walking club or boot camp, or try activities where other people are always involved, such as dance, pilates, martial arts or rock climbing.

Dress Appropriately

Your summer workout gear may not be appropriate for winter weather. Invest in proper winter performance gear to stay warm and dry. Be sure to warm up inside before you head out the door, stay hydrated and change out of sweaty gear after your workout.

Try Something New

Winter can be the perfect time to change up your workout routine. Check out classes in your area to find one that interests you – you may even save some money on winter ‘specials’. You could even try your hand at skiing or snowboarding.

Kristy Paltridge